Victoria Hinrichs (Silks)
Hello all ,
VIcTORIa Silks (HInrichs) here.. first time getting onto this forum.
I wanted to say I too was very touched and saddened by the letter about Susan and her husband Carl, both of whom were close to our family from all the years at Alamoosook Island Camp in Maine, which many of you rememebr my parents ran and a number of BUrroughs students atended.
Although I agreee every person has the right to decide end of life paths, I find suicide to be a sad choice. I personally had many wonderful times with both Susan and Carl duirng my years at the camp . It seems we are all gettting to the age where someone around us is close to or has made their transitions. Especially in the time of Covid I send my blessing ot all those less fortunate.
Some of you may know that in 2016 my husband (of 37 yrs now ) Robert and I chose to totally downsize our material possesions of 35 yrs into 4 large duffle bags and move from Santa Fe, NM which we loved but could no longer really afford,to a small fishing village called Barra De Navidad, on the west coast of Mexico . We LOVE it , yes it takes a bit of adjusting, mostly to learning spanish better than we did before (an ongoing process) but the quality of life we have here for pretty much 1/4th of what it cost in the states is amazing . Example, we have a 4 bedroom 4 bath house, with modern appliances, pool ,carport, and patio four blocks from the beach for $600-700 a month depending upon peso exchange..
Fortunately its short plane ride from our nearest airport Manzanillo, to LA where our son Christopher lives. After having had a Waldorf education thru highschool and then college at Earlham in Indiana, he now is the manager of the Dennis Hopper Art trust in West Hollywood. yes, Dennis Hopper of (Easy Rider fame) who interestingly is buried in Taos, NM where Christopher was born .
Robert has been writing for the last ten years or so and has written a small book about our journey to Mexico whith all sort of hints. (along with his other ten novels) . Its" called Rooster on Main Street", you could find it on his website. Should anyone care to cosider a second or alternative home in Mexico .. Of course there are parts of the country not safe , but here Barra we are about 5rs south of Puerto Vallarta we feel safer than we did in parts of the USA. Health care is so accessible and professional . Robert has had cataract surgery,and recently a hip replacement. I have had wrist surgery... our health insurance covers everything except a few pre-exisiting conditions, and cost per year what ny AARP sumplement cost per month in the states..
Normally we travel to the states once or twice a year Sept-Oct when its rainy season here. Or if I am teaching my Color work , however the virus has kept us here so far.. Hoping. after the election the country will have some new leadership and it will be safe to travel . UNtil then , its been fun checking in . Happy to hear from anyone .
Sending warm wishes for health and prosperity to all for our "wisdom years" .. all my best , Tori