Barbie Deem (Anderson)
Hey, David Levy! Thank you and everyone else who helped SO MUCH, for getting us all together and for being so quick to set this up, so we can stay in touch.
Most of you know I drove from Maine to St. Louis. On the way I visited a friend in Connecticult and Uncle Jay, in Taylorville, Illinois. On the way home I went back via Mays Lick, Kentucky, where Great great great Uncle Henry Bruce had his homestead, think I got a picture of the grand old brick "Big House". ...cows in front now but they raised pigs in the olde days.
By the time I got home I had definitely travelled more than 3000 miles, so I could just as easily be somewhere in the Pacific Ocean right now. Got home yesterday and left again this morning to visit son Pete, age 23 today. We gave him a new pizza pan so he made us a breakfast pizza, then we zoomed home so husband Phil, in second adolescence (Sp?) ... could make it to his drumming gig at the local open mic night at The Highlands, billed as a coffee house but also a bar, in Thomaston, Maine.
Just wanted to check in and will finallly have a chance to read and print out some of those profiles you all provided. Time flies, does it not? It was so good to see everyone, I am sorry we are all so far apart. "til next time...
Barbara "Barbie" Deem Anderson